2TF Impact Study

Leadership training and development is a multi-billion dollar industry, a prevalent practice in organizations and often a requirement upheld by VCs to secure their investments. Yet, the actual impact of these programs is often left unmeasured, leaving their worth and benefits unknown. The objective of this study was to examine whether 2TF is achieving its vision by measuring the impact of 2TF programs on its members and unpacking how that impact is created.

Download a copy of the 2TF Impact Study below to learn more about our multi-level impact.

Impact of 2TF


Net Promoter Score (NPS) for 2TF Forum


Collectively fundraised by the founders during the program


Graduates of the 2TF Leadership Forum


Intrapersonal impact on behavioral change & self-perceptions


Interpersonal impact on relationships and understanding others’ needs


Average number of businesses built by our founders


Are CEOs


Are technical founders